Volunteer Opportunities on campus with Pacific Spirit Park Society

The Pacific Spirit Park Society is always looking for more volunteers to help with their work in one of the most beautiful spaces on campus.

Gain outdoor, hands-on experience in any of these roles:

EcoTEAM Volunteer

The Eco Team is perfect for volunteers who want to have a flexible schedule.  There is no minimum commitment, so it is perfect for volunteers who want to come out an try a new experience in Pacific Spirit Regional Park or buildup volunteer hours over the year.  Volunteers under 13 year must be accompanied by an adult.

When: Every Saturday 1:00-4:00 (except long weekends)

Where: We work at different locations in the park.  Check out the PSPS Calendar to find out what we are up to this week.

How: Sign up on our Meet Up page or subscribe to our weekly event newsletter in the side bar now.

EcoWATCH Volunteer

Invasive Plant Mapping

In 2015, the Pacific Spirit Park Society (PSPS) launched their first citizen science data collection project in partnership with Metro Vancouver Regional Parks (MVRP).  Volunteers use GPS units to map the spread of invasive plants along the park trail.  This data is used to prioritize sites for stewardship projects and invasive plant management.   The Invasive Plant Mapping Team meets on Saturdays from 9:30-12:30 from September to April.  Volunteers usually participate at least once a month.  Training and materials are provided.  Feel free to preview the Mapping Training Manual for more information.

Water Quality Monitoring

The Pacific Spirit Park Society (PSPS) is dedicated to monitoring and protecting the unique and valuable streams and wetlands in Pacific Spirit Regional Park.  Each month PSPS partners with organizations, such as the South Vancouver Settlement Agency, to analyze water quality samples.

The EcoWatch team is excited to continue mapping invasive species in Pacific Spirit Park this fall! From October to April, the team uses GPS units to map invasive species growing along the park trails. The information collected informs the EcoTeam and Metro Vancouver on the distribution of invasive species.

If you are interested in joining the EcoWATCH team, please fill out the Skilled-Volunteer Application and email it Krista at volunteer@pacificspiritparksociety.org.


Camosun Bog Restoration Volunteer

The Camosun Bog is a rare ecosystem in Pacific Spirit Regional Park and has it’s own restoration team!

When: Every Saturday 9:00-12:00 (Weather depending)

Where: Camosun Bog at West 19th Avenue and Camosun Street

How: Sign up on our Meet Up page or subscribe to our weekly event newsletter in the side bar now.

Follow the Camosun Boggers on Instagram.


The EcoTEAM and the Camosun Bog Restoration Group depend on a team of knowledgable skilled-volunteer leaders to teach volunteers about ecological restoration and ensure safe use of tools during events.  If you have experience in restoration work and have good leadership skills, than this would be a perfect position for you.

When: Every Saturday 1:00-4:00 (except long weekends)  Applicants should be able to commit to at least one shift per month on Saturdays from 1:00-4:00.

Where: We work at different locations in the park.  Check out the PSPS Calendar to find out what we are up to this week.

How: Please fill out the Skilled-Volunteer application form and submit it to Krista Voth at volunteer@pacificspiritparksociety.org.